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EURAXESS Startup Hub Digital Toolkit

EURAXESS Startup Hub
Digital Toolkit

A journey towards the novel
researchers careers


Inside the toolkit

Welcome to EURAXESS Startup Hub

Click on For researchers tab, to:

  • Learn about the key concepts of startup entrepreneurship
  • Pick the right tools to be the most productive, advance faster, collaborate smoothly.
  • Browse through a searchable database of hundreds of hand picked online resources that will make your journey easier.




Key concepts of startup entrepreneurship 

11 questions and answers for every beginner startup entrepreneur

Conventional entrepreneurship has always been a hit-or-miss proposition, because it is based on writing a business plan, pitching it to investors, gathering the team, introducing the product, and then starting selling it.

In contrast to this approach, Startup entrepreneurship uses experiments to confirm hypotheses, does not waste time over elaborate planning, values customer feedback over intuition and iterative design over traditional up-front design and development. It uses concepts like MVPs and pivoting to ensure the right path of the startup company.

Learn about the key concepts of lean startup entrepreneurship. Have a look at the 11 questions for every beginner startup entrepreneur at the right and start your journey!

Start learning




EURAXESS Startup hub Toolbox

Online tools for faster growth, better learning and smooth collaboration

With minimal time to market, and the swift MVP validation, startups need to be boosted with the most effective and efficient automation, collaboration and learning tools.

EURAXESS Startup Hub digital toolkit includes Toolbox for sci entrepreneurs, a compilation of hand picked online tools for improving productivity, easy communication, discovering trends, finding the right partners and funding opportunities, even build the MVPs.

Click below to find out what's inside.


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Discover, learn, improve

EURAXESS Startup Hub Toolkit database

Have a look at the EURAXESS Startup Hub Toolkit online database to gain access to hundreds of quality, hand-picked resources for startup entrepreneurs, sci entrepreneurs and Research Performing Organizations.

Search and browse through the categories of online tools, organisations, associations and initiatives, learning and productivity resources, online databases, research publications, blogs and podcasts.


Go to database  Learn about online tools




Startups in academia

Can startups be founded in academia?

Scientific startup entrepreneurship is a career path in which a scientific finding (as a result of PhD, postdoc, or research in later career stages, in any area) is transformed into an innovative product or service, which is then validated and improved by early adopters, brought to market and then continuously scaled up, in terms of product/service quality and coverage.

Find out here about: 


Find your best partner

The startup ecosystem stakeholders

Everyone talks about startups today! If you are a Research Performing Organization, you will never walk alone. Building a complex startup support infrastructure is an inherently collaborative endeavour. Draw from a vast variety of the organizations, initiatives, teams and individuals to provide very specific, targeted solutions to the needs of startup entrepreneurs.

Read more about the activities of those stakeholders. Find a common ground to collaborate in building your own support schemes and programs as an academic organization.

Find out more





Setup or improve your startup services

Your guide to effective startup support in academic organization

This toolkit is organised around the four pillars:

  • Startup entrepreneurship training in and for academia
  • Innovation support in academia
  • Innovation support for academia - collaboration with external stakeholders
  • Diversity and inclusion in scientific entrepreneurship

Click on the tabs to explore our selected reading on the above topics. Learn how to setup the most effective or improve existing startup support infrastructure in your organisation. The reading includes our takes on the different aspects of the topics and the most valuable resource - a number of inspiring and motivating reusable best practices.



Your guide to effective entrepreneurship training for researchers

Startup entrepreneurship training in and for academia

Starting and running a startup requires skills that go far beyond those one researcher is being taught in formal academic programmes. Running any business requires a good working knowledge of financial management. Other skills include marketing, communication, negotiation,delegating work, leadership, time management and many others.

Learn about the entrepreneurship education and skills, find out about the academic programs, learning resources, tools and best practices.


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Your guide to launching a startup infrastructure in academia

Innovation support in academia

Sci entrepreneurs require assistance for getting by and around many obstacles they cannot keep anticipating while keeping the focus on their innovative products. This assistance include: entrepreneurial training, facilitating access to funding and accelerator programmes, IPR training and information, support in business plan development, market research, team building and many more.

Learn here how to build an effective or improve existing internal infrastructure for assisting sci entrepreneurs in your organization.


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Your guide to building partnerships in startup support

Innovation support for academia - collaboration with external stakeholders

One startup support infrastructure cannot work in isolation; it is only a single part of the large national or regional startup ecosystems, comprised of different stakeholders.

Learn about the best practices in joining forces with those external stakeholders to provide the best service to your sci entrepreneurs.


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Your guide to inclusive and diverse startup support

Diversity and inclusion in scientific entrepreneurship

As business cultures change and become more diverse and inclusive, it is clear that the rise of women entrepreneurs reaching their full potential equates to success. However, we as civilisation are still at the beginning of this road.

Learn here about the best practices for improving and supporting diversity and inclusion in scientific entrepreneurship.


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Who we are

Meet the EURAXESS Startup Hub

The EURAXESS Startup Hub is a networked programme of support to sci entrepreneurs, setup by the research and funding organizations from 12 countries, namely Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Estonia, Israel, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Switzerland, Moldova, Bulgaria, Greece, North Macedonia and Serbia, with participation of tens of external stakeholders, the prominent actors in national startup ecosystems of the above countries.

Learn about how we are organised, which activities we are working on, who are our members and how to join us.

We have received the initial support from the European Commission, through EURAXESS Hubs project.

If you are EURAXESS organisation and you are excited about what we do, join us to build our network further and improve and diversify our offer to sci entrepreneurs.

Contact us